Alcohol addiction is a serious problem the time. Men and women often drink alcohol at parties, corporate events. With the passage of time, drinking can become a habit. This leads to severe physical and mental consequences.
If the person decided to quit drinking alcohol on your own forever, understands how devastating impact on your life, that's half the battle. Get rid of the addiction is very important to have a clear goal and do it.
- Total abstinence — the first and foremost condition. The decision to quit drinking should be final. This applies not only to the spirits, but the wine, light liquor, beer.
- You have to understand, when he lost control, and the rare consumption of alcohol plays an important role in the constant habit. When defined, it is therefore necessary to get rid of.
- It is necessary to avoid the failures. This will help your willpower, family, friends, colleagues. If necessary, the help of psychologists, the methods of folk medicine and doctors, rehabilitation centres.
- I need to know more about the dangers of addiction, as well as the merits of a healthy lifestyle.
- An important factor in the formation of good habits (exercise, eating right, a hobby, daily routine).

Withdrawal symptoms
Harm of alcohol is much greater than many people think. Hangover, headache, in the morning — it's just a minor inconvenience. If you decide to get rid of alcohol addiction alone, you should be ready to "withdrawal symptoms", to boost to drink again:
- a constant feeling of anxiety, irritability;
- anxiety;
- voltage;
- depressed;
- anger;
- the stream of negative thoughts.
The symptoms occur 5-7 days after alcohol withdrawal. To not fall for the "bait" dependencies, then start drinking again, you need to:
- I realized the false, the tested feelings;
- I realized that soon these feelings will pass;
- does not bind the state of external causes;
- do you remember why you quit drinking.
Once you see the sport allows you to be more attractive, the hobby started to get good (perhaps even money) the family reigns understanding, harmony, I don't want to destroy this idyll.